Olsen Banden Junior
Titre anglais : Olsen Gang Junior
Titre allemand : Olsenbande Junior
Titre original : Olsen Banden Junior
Titres alternatifs :
Olsen Banden Junior | Olsenbande Jr. | Olsen-banden Junior
Comédie – Le Danemark
Année de production : 2001
Durée du film : 90 minutes
Réalisateur : Peter Flinth
Livre : Lars Mering, Anne-Marie Olesen
Musique : Søren Hyldgaard
Olsen Banden Junior
Description du film :
DVD vom Fernsehen The much loved trio of felons – the Olsen Gang – stand bright in the spotlight of the national film heritage. Egon has been brought up in a children’s home and he is determined to find a prosperous family. He is soon swept off by adoptive parents who trick him into believing they are millionaires. He wises up when he discovers his new home is a cell at a military base. Egon makes his escape, and in doing so he overhears the plans his captors have in mind: now that they have paid the boy’s home for all Egon’s records, Egon has to all intents and purposes ceased to exist, and they can use him as a guinea pig for their clandestine space project which will send Egon orbiting the earth and perhaps to his doom. But Egon is hard to nail down and besides, he has a plan!
Garçons acteurs
Aksel Leth
(Egon Olsen)
Anniversaire : 30.05.1988

L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 13 ans
Anniversaire : 07.07.1986

L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 15 ans
Plus d’informations
Ce film a été enregistré dans la liste des films par Heiner !
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